Tuesday 2 April 2019


Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease. It occurs when the heart muscle doesn't get as much blood as it needs. This usually happens because one or more of the heart's arteries is narrowed or blocked, also called ischemia.

When does angina pectoris occur?

Angina often occurs when the heart muscle itself needs more blood than it is getting, for example, during times of physical activity or strong emotions. Severely narrowed arteries may allow enough blood to reach the heart when the demand for oxygen is low, such as when you're sitting. But, with physical exertion—like walking up a hill or climbing stairs—the heart works harder and needs more oxygen.

Symptoms of Stable Angina

The pain or discomfort:
  • Occurs when the heart must work harder, usually during physical exertion
  • Doesn't come as a surprise, and episodes of pain tend to be alike
  • Usually lasts a short time (5 minutes or less)
  • Is relieved by rest or medicine
  • May feel like gas or indigestion
  • May feel like chest pain that spreads to the arms, back, or other areas

Possible triggers of stable angina include:

  • Emotional stress – learn stress management
  • Exposure to very hot or cold temperatures – learn how cold and hot weather affect the heart.
  • Heavy meals

Administer through injection four hundred thousand(400,000) units of penicillin every three hours. take three grams of powdered suifatiasol and three grams of powdered suifadiazina mix with honey bee. gargle with it and do also coluctoris for larynx.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with COPD with 55-60% lung capacity. and Hiv, My doctor just said all the crying , stomping your feet will not change it so just accept it and basically patted me on the back and sent me home to die. I was devastated and was afraid to do anything. I stopped riding my bike, I was afraid to do anything that would cause any exertion. It consumed my thoughts with every breath and the fear of what to expect was almost more than I could deal with. So I couldn't get myself all time I decided to find a herbal cure online and I came across Doctor Itua on how he cure several people suffering from Hiv, and Herpes I gave him a call on this Number +2348149277967 also chat on whatsapp he gave me all the details about the cure i paid him for the medicine after 5 working days i receive my herbal medicine ,I use it for two weeks that is how I get Cured and today I'm living healthy and  fine I give him thanks also promise him to testify about his work,He Can also cure the following diseases..Copd,Herpes,Alzheimer's disease,carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Parkinson's ,Epilepsy,Cancer,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis,diabetes,Coeliac disease,Infertility, Asthma.Contact...drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com..Whatsapp Number...+2348149277976
